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Chalk Full of Fun 2021


17F80375-A29F-4AF0-8F45-D79BB4755F9D - Lucia Hollowell


Artists at work
photos by Baranduin Briggs
Now in its 7th year, Chalk Full of Fun 2021 took place in two venues. Some people chalked at home with their free chalk kit provided by the Redwood City Parks & Arts Foundation. Others chalked downtown, along with 12 professional artists, who all contributed to decorating our public space with pavement masterpieces. Over 500 people participated this year and 120 entered the chalk art contest. This annual chalk festival is always FREE for all artists. The success of this annual event is directly attributable to the support of our sponsors and volunteers... THANK YOU!
Professional Artists
photos by John Danner
2021 Contest Winners
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